Quantum Coherence Therapy (QCT) is a new form of energy therapy, quietly and steadily making an impact within the Irish healing industry. Its primary focus of self care encourages a healthy approach to long term healing both for the therapist and the client.
Today’s rate of attrition and burnout among therapists, teachers and healers has become worryingly high. We have become victims of exhaustion and even physical injury, through our desire and commitment to help others. We are generous, caring, compassionate people and our Western mindset encourages us to give, give, give! This results in us feeling depleted, and, as our energy levels drop, we eventually begin to burn out.
A trained QCT practitioner raises the vibration of their own energy system, and, using the principles of quantum coherence, raises the clients energy vibration too. This induces self healing along with a feeling of wellbeing and is carried out without any transfer of energy to the client. The therapists’ energies are maintained and the danger of burnout, significantly reduced.
QCT can be used as a stand alone therapy or in conjunction with other therapies.